
“Being mentally well means that your mind is in order and functioning in your best interest. You are able to think, feel and act in ways that create a positive impact on your physical and social well being”

Problem Statement

To improve the access of the mental health services by creating a single usable and accessible service platform that provides personalised experience.

Project Overview

Mental wellness is not a well understood term. Most of the people understand mental health as mental problems.

Mental health needs awareness, accessibility, availability and acceptance.

As per research, in spite of number of resources, there is a huge gap between the available services and who needs help.


Market research

Research methodology

User insights/User interviews

After talking to 28 participants, I jolted down their main pain points here.

Mental health has been ignored the most and there are many reasons
+ It does not feel real like physical health
+ It is slow and deep
+ There is societal taboo for mental health diagnosis
+ Social media profiles are fancy and happier
+ Work, home chores and family takes priority than one’s mental wellness
+ There is not enough curated information and resources available

My role

Our team

Challenges to receive Mental Health

+ Awareness: “Mental Health is real”

+ Acceptance for the wellness: “The taboo associated with mental health”

+ Availability: “A few trained professionals are available”

+ Accessibility for all “Insurance, and long wait for appointments”

As a social animal, human thrives in a welcoming and warm society. Mental health is the main component of overall well being. However, during crisis the first reaction of a human is to “flee”, “fight” or “freeze”. These are the survival skills but then, these skills separate us from our social connections.

The idea of Ezz is to bring technology to reduce the barriers by increasing awareness, accessibility, acceptance and self care. A health care model where technology can facilitate early screening, easy access to professionals with virtual platforms and reminders so that users can receive services in any form or flexibility they want.

E-Mental health hypothesis

There are many barriers to receive mental health services at right time. Early recognition, early intervention and right community support can drastically improve the overall wellness.

Using human centric design principles the E-mental health is designed to increase the value.

+ Empathetic and user centric with flexible service plan
+ Easy and minimalist UI for easy access the services
+ A transparent and simple UI causes less confusion and frustration
+ E-mental health model is less intimidating as the services can be provided virtually
+ Availability of the services at the user's comfort location.
+ Give time to build relationship with therapist
+ Quick access to the curated resources so user's don't have to spend a lot of time to access it.


After gathering insights for their challenges and support they needed, I created two proto-persona to define my users, their needs, motivations and pain points.


Design principles

Low fidelity Wireframes

Initially a simple and easy to access appointment booking UI was designed and created an online or virtually counselling sessions for the participants who are not yet ready to receive services in person.

Low fidelity wireframes

User Testing Insights (First Round)

Initial wireframes were sketched with the idea of providing the direct services. It included a safe platform with secure login, onboarding and an easy scheduling appointment. I conducted the user testing again and found that it really did not solve my users challenges. Just providing the online/ virtual services was not enough, rather they need a support system. I redesigned the other round of low-fidelity to address new insights received during user testing.

First round user testings insights
User testing results and tags


Mid fidelity wireframes were tested again and this time with more resources and other supportive services like calming music, videos and podcast were liked by participant during user testing.

Initial wireframes were drawn for the idea of providing the services. It includes the secure platform with secure login, onboarding and an easy scheduling appointment. I conducted the user testing again and found that it really did not solve my users challenges. Just providing the online/ virtual services are not enough but they need a support system.

Support system
Language like “symptom checker” can be changed to “How are you feeling today”?
Self-managements skills like breathing exercises/ calming music on the go
Dashboard to follow up their improvement and finding what works for them in what situations
Resource directory
Emotional audio enabled smart toy for younger age.

Based on the results of user testing, new features were added wit make it usable and accessible.

High fidelity Wireframe

High fidelity wireframes

Take aways

Mental Health is a "wicked problem" and there is not one right and wrong solution. Our individual experiences, community/ social experiences, professional and personal life affects our mental health. However, some are more susceptible than others and they have their rights to receive the right services at the right time. After the case study, I concluded that:

+ Language like “symptom checker” can be changed to “How are you feeling today”?

+ Self-managements skills like breathing exercises/ calming music on the go
+ Dashboard to follow up their improvement and finding what works for them in what situations
+ Resource directory
+ Emotional audio enabled smart toy for younger age.

+ Voice interface for an early screening and providing support system.

Thanks for viewing the EZZ case study.

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